Registered 01/05/2015
MOT expires 24/06/2025
last service and Inspection
31 seats with 30 standing and 1 wheelchair
Double glazing
Destination blinds system
Wheelchair ramp at rear doors
Euro 5
2 Pedal Automatic
Wheelchair accessible
Drivers security screen
Chassis / Make Model: ADL
Body / Make Model: Integral Enviro 200
Engine: Cummins ISBe Euro 5
Gearbox: Allison Auto
Seating Capacity: 31+30
Tyres Included: Yes
Livery: Red
Date of Registration: 01/05/2012
Mileage: 17044mls
MOT Expiry: 24/06/2025
Body / Make Model: Integral Enviro 200
Engine: Cummins ISBe Euro 5
Gearbox: Allison Auto
Seating Capacity: 31+30
Tyres Included: Yes
Livery: Red
Date of Registration: 01/05/2012
Mileage: 17044mls
MOT Expiry: 24/06/2025
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